1. Úvod
  2. Obrana
  3. Munícia
  4. Delostrelecká munícia
  5. 122 mm HE Munícia pre 122 mm D-30 a 2S1 GVOZDIKA

122 mm HE Munícia pre 122 mm D-30 a 2S1 GVOZDIKA

122 mm HE Munícia pre 122 mm D-30 a 2S1 GVOZDIKA

122 mm HE Munícia pre 122 mm D-30 a 2S1 GVOZDIKA

Umožňuje ničenie stacionárnych cieľov, miest s vysokou koncentráciou vojsk, poľných krytov, ľahko pancierované ciele, zbraňové systémy, vojenskú techniku, prepravnú techniku a pod.

Náboj je určený na streľbu z húfnice 122mm D-30 a samohybnej húfnice 122mm 2S1. 

Bola dodaná do viac ako 9 krajín sveta. Spoločnosť MSM GROUP ako jedna z mála spoločností vyrábajúcich takéto strelivo na území NATO a EÚ zaisťuje maximálnu kvalitu výroby.

Technical characteristics

Technical data:
Muzzle velocity Vo (full charge): m/s 690
Max. firing distance on firing by full charge: m 15,300
Max. pressure inside the barrel (full charge): MPa 245.2
Muzzle velocity Vo (reduced charge): m/s 565
Max. firing distance on firing with reduced charge: m 12,870
(equivalent 53 OF 462) 
Weight of entire projectile kg 21.76
Weight of HE charge /TNT/ kg 3.6
Total length of projectile without fuze mm 496.36-504.7
Total length of projectile with fuze mm 552.17-564.61


Cartridge with full charge Weight of cartridge with full charge kg 7.835
Average weight of full charge kg 3.8
Powder charge   Nitrocellulose powder
Total length of cartridge mm 447 ± 1.55
Weight of steel cartridge case kg 3.66 ± 0.18
Cartridge with reduced charge Weight of cartridge with reduced charge kg 6.435
Weight of reduced charge kg from 0,6 to 2.5
Powder charge   Nitrocellulose powder
Primer screw: KV-4 Weight kg 0.069
Weight of empty wooden box kg 21.0
Weight of full wooden box with 2 pcs kg 83 full charge – 80 reduced charge
Dimensions of wooden box mm 1,205 x 434 x 250
Pallet unit dimensions mm 1,205 x 850 x 1,310
Number of wooden boxes in pallet unit pcs 10
Weight of empty pallet m 30


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